Tag Archives: bills


If you are anything like me (God forbid), then you have many empty cardboard boxes just laying around unused.  Especially now with eBay and Amazon, I have a ton of the cutest little boxes you have ever seen.  Who can stand to just throw them out?  Why, someday I might need to store something in one of them, indeed, I already have.  In fact, when I go looking through boxes of stuff looking for something specific, it’s almost like Christmas again!  I find things I didn’t remember having.  In fact, I wonder if some boxes got mixed up in a prior move, since I don’t remember ever seeing their contents before.

After all. I need to keep a variety of sizes, since I don’t know what I will need.  Who knows when I might need to move to a new place, and this would save me from having to buy boxes just to pack up stuff (that costs money).  It is easier to just throw them into a corner than to actually get out the knife, break them down, and throw them into the recycle bin (to do that, I usually need to cut them into smaller pieces to get them to fit).  That’s just a lot of heavy work, so into the corner they go.

Well, never fear, I have found a great use for a number of them!  You know, those old aluminum windows that leak like a sieve (what’s a sieve? What are you, a millennial?  No, millennials most definitely KNOW how to use Google.  Google it, for God’s sake!)?  Well, it started out that the light downstairs (in my lower-level mancave), where all my entertainment equipment, computers, and workshop reside, was too bright, and it glared off the TV screen.  Well, I fixed that problem up right quick.

Lately, with the unseasonable cold temperatures, combined with the leakiness of my old windows, got me to worrying about my heating costs (gotta save as much as possible when it doesn’t stretch like it used to stretch).  It just so happens that cardboard makes really good insulation.  Yup, a couple rolls of duck tape, and some scissors will clear that problem up good!  It is a heck of a lot easier to install than that plastic stuff you shrink with a hair dryer – you know the stuff.  Did I mention that the plastic stuff costs MONEY, and does nothing to solve the glaring light problem.  Now, the neighbors might wonder if I have moved out and boarded up the windows, but who cares about neighbors anymore anyway.

So, hopefully, it will help with the heating bills this winter, which might be a doozy thanks to the weather patterns being screwed all to hell by global warming, which many political bigots…oops, I mean big shots (damn computer…hehe), keep refusing even exists, because, ya know, DONORS, MONEY, POWER.  If cardboard is good enough for the homeless, it’s good enough for me! Remember…

Ya might be an Ohio Hillbilly if…